Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Flash Tutorials
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You cannot delete or move the presentation screen.
138 Basic Tasks: Create a Presentation with Screens (Flash Professional Only)
The four slides that appear indented beneath the presentation slide in the pane represent nested, or child, screens, and the presentation slide is the parent.
Open the Timeline, if it's not already open (Window > Timeline). Select another slide in the Screen Outline pane to view the Timeline for that screen. The main Timeline for a document with screens, however, is never visible.
View screen properties
You can view different properties for a slide, depending on where you select the slide.
In the Screen Outline pane, select the presentation thumbnail. The Property inspector allows you to change the instance name, which is also the name of the screen as it appears in the Screen Outline pane.
Select the actual presentation slide, not the thumbnail. The Property inspector now displays the same controls you're probably used to when working with the Stage and document properties.
Add content to a presentation slide
You'll add navigation buttons to the presentation slide so that the buttons appear on each slide in the presentation.
1. 3.
In the Screen Outline pane, select the presentation slide thumbnail. In the Timeline, select Frame 1 of the Navigation layer. From the Library panel, drag the NextBtn symbol to the screen, placing it within the black band at the bottom of the screen. In the Property inspector, with the button still selected, enter 280 in the X text box and 165 in the Y text box to place the button.
The coordinates that you enter are in relation to the default center registration point of the slide. For more information about the registration point in screens, see "Specifying the ActionScript class and registration point of a screen (Flash Professional only)" in Using Flash. 7.
Enter forwardBtn in the Instance Name text box. Drag PrevBtn to the slide and use the Property inspector to enter 245 in the X text box and 165 in the Y text box. Enter backBtn in the Instance Name text box. In the Screen Outline pane, select each nested slide to verify that the buttons now appear on all slides.
Content on a parent screen appears slightly dimmed when you view it on a nested screen.
Add content to a presentation slide 139
Add screen navigation behaviors to buttons
When you open a new Flash Slide Presentation, the document already includes functionality that lets users navigate between slide screens using the keyboard arrow keys. You'll also add navigation behaviors to the buttons, offering users an additional option to navigate between slides.
By default, keyboard arrow keys let you navigate between screens on the same level, not between nested screens. 1.
On the presentation slide, select the forwardBtn instance. In the Behaviors panel (Window > Behaviors) click Add (+), and then select Screen > Go to Next Slide from the menu. On the presentation slide, select the backBtn instance. In the Behaviors panel (Window > Behaviors) click Add (+), and then select Screen > Go to Previous Slide from the menu. Select Control > Test Movie, and click the buttons in the SWF file window that appears. You want to make sure your buttons function as expected. [. . . ] See "Updates sent to an external data source" in Using Flash (in Flash, select Help > Using Flash). In the sample XML file, the id attribute of the datapacket/row node is the unique identifier, and it will be mapped to the DataSet component's ID schema field. This is defined with the following expression:
7. 9.
In the Component inspector, click the Bindings tab. [. . . ]