Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Installing Flash Media Server 2
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Client-side application files are SWF and HTML files. When you begin developing applications, you can store the client-side files for your applications anywhere. Server-side application files include script files (ASC files), stream files (such as FLV files), and shared object files (FSO files) and must always remain on the server computer. When you begin developing applications, you must create a registered application directory for your application in the applications directory with the name of the application and keep the application's server-side files there. For example, for your application called my_app, you could create a my_app subdirectory in the applications directory and put the server-side files for my_app in that subdirectory (. . . /applications/ myapp). You can change your applications directory through the FMS. ini configuration file.
Installing Flash Media Server
During development, you can keep client-side and server-side application files together, if you want to. When you deploy applications on a public server, you'll need to separate client files from your server-side source files. If you're using a web server, your SWF and HTML files should be accessible through the web server. Your server-side ASC files, audio/video FLV files, FSO files, and ActionScript FLA source files should not be accessible to a user browsing your website. When the server is installed, it's a good idea to become familiar with the files placed in the Flash Media Server directory and, if applicable, your web root directory.
Files in the installation directory for Windows
If you chose the default directory in the installer, the Flash Media Server installation directory is located at C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash Media Server 2\. The Flash Media Server directory contains the following items:
The FMSMaster. exe file is the server application. The FMSAdmin. exe file is the server's administration controller. When administrators connect to the server with the management console, they are actually connected to the service, which communicates with the server to perform administration tasks. The tools directory contains BAT files that you can use to start and stop the server. The Js32. dll file contains the server's Server-Side Media ActionScript engine. The Tcsrvmsg. dll, xmlparse. dll, and xmltok. dll files are additional components of the server. The conf directory contains the server's hierarchy of XML configuration files and the fms. ini file. The applications directory is the directory in which you create registered application directories for your media applications. For example, you could create a my_app subdirectory in the applications directory and place your server-side application files for the my_app application in that subdirectory. At installation time, the location of the applications directory is written to the AppsDir tag in the Vhost. xml configuration file.
The fms2_console. swf file (located in the applications directory) can be used to open the Flash Media Server management console. The scriptlib directory contains the ASC files for web services. At installation time, the location of the scriptlib directory is written to the ScriptLibPath tag in the Application. xml file.
About the installed files
As soon as the server is started, a logs directory containing all of the various types of logs is created in the root. [. . . ] The fmsconfig and fmsini files are used by the Flash Media installer in the installation process. The fmsmgr script starts and stops the server. It also checks on status and other actions, such as controlling autostart status. The installFMS script installs Flash Media Server. [. . . ]