Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Getting Started with Flash
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About the main toolbar and edit bar
The main toolbar at the top of the workspace displays menus with commands for controlling Flash functionality. The menus include File, Edit, View, Insert, Modify, Text, Commands, Control, Window, and Help. The edit bar, directly below the main toolbar, contains controls and information for editing scenes and symbols, and for changing the magnification level of the Stage. For information on changing the Stage magnification level, see "Zooming" on page 22. For information on editing symbols, see Chapter 3, "Using Symbols, Instances, and Library Assets, " on page 53. For information on working with scenes, see "Working with scenes" in Using Flash.
Using the Tools panel
The tools in the Tools panel let you draw, paint, select, and modify artwork, as well as change the view of the Stage. The Tools panel is divided into four sections:
· · · ·
The tools area contains drawing, painting, and selection tools. The view area contains tools for zooming and panning in the application window. The colors area contains modifiers for stroke and fill colors. The options area displays modifiers for the selected tool, which affect the tool's painting or editing operations.
Using the Customize Tools panel dialog box, you can specify which tools to display in the Flash authoring environment. See "Customizing the Tools panel" on page 34. For information on using the drawing and painting tools, see "Flash drawing and painting tools" in Using Flash. For information on using the selection tools, see "Selecting objects" in Using Flash. For information on using the view modification tools, see "Moving the view of the Stage" on page 23.
To show or hide the Tools panel:
· Select Window > Tools.
Selecting tools You can select tools by clicking in the Tools panel, or by using a keyboard shortcut.
To select a tool, do one of the following:
· Click the tool you want to use. Depending on the tool you select, a set of modifiers may be
displayed in the options area at the bottom of the Tools panel.
· Press the tool's keyboard shortcut. · To select a tool located in the pop-up menu behind a visible tool, press the icon of the visible
tool and select another tool from the pop-up menu.
Using the Tools panel
Customizing the Tools panel You can customize the Tools panel to specify which tools appear in the authoring environment. You use the Customize Tools panel dialog box to add or remove tools from the Tools panel. You can display more than one tool in one location. When more than one tool is displayed in a location, the top tool in the group (the most recently used) is displayed with an arrow in the lower right corner of its icon. When you press and hold the mouse button on the icon, the other tools in the group appear in a pop-up menu. You can drag to select a tool from the menu.
To customize the Tools panel:
1. To display the Customize Tools panel dialog box, do one of the following:
In Windows, select Edit > Customize Tools panel. On the Macintosh, select Flash > Customize Tools panel. [. . . ] Registration Register to receive up-to-the-minute notices about upgrades and new products, technical support, and more. You can register online by selecting Help > Online Registration. You can also print the registration form from the Help menu. Release Notes For late-breaking information and known issues about Flash, check the Release Notes in the Flash Support Center at www. macromedia. com/support/flash/releasenotes. html. [. . . ]