Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Macromedia Flash Lite 1. 1 Authoring Guidelines
Trademarks Add Life to the Web, Afterburner, Aftershock, Andromedia, Allaire, Animation PowerPack, Aria, Attain, Authorware, Authorware Star, Backstage, Bright Tiger, Clustercats, ColdFusion, Contribute, Design In Motion, Director, Dream Templates, Dreamweaver, Drumbeat 2000, EDJE, EJIPT, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Flash Lite, Flex, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JFusion, JRun, Kawa, Know Your Site, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, LikeMinds, Lingo, Live Effects, MacRecorder Logo and Design, Macromedia, Macromedia Action!, Macromedia Breeze, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia M Logo and Design, Macromedia Spectra, Macromedia xRes Logo and Design, MacroModel, Made with Macromedia, Made with Macromedia Logo and Design, MAGIC Logo and Design, Mediamaker, Movie Critic, Open Sesame!, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, Sitespring, SoundEdit, Titlemaker, UltraDev, Web Design 101, what the web can be, and Xtra are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] You can now interact with the Flash application. When you click the button in the SWF file, a browser opens at www. macromedia. com.
8. Select File > Publish to save the SWF file as FlashLiteTest. swf.
In the mobile phone web browser or from a desktop that can transfer a file using desktop-tophone synchronization software, transfer the file to the mobile phone and verify that it works correctly.
Adding sound to your Flash Lite 1. 1 application
You can add sound to your Flash Lite 1. 1 application by associating a SMAF sound file with an ActionScript sound symbol so you can test your SWF file by using the Test Movie command in Flash MX Professional 2004 Flash. In the procedure below you will learn how to add sound to a Flash Lite application by embedding the SMAF sound file birdChirp. mmf, located in the CDK\Tutorials folder, into a Flash Lite 1. 1 SWF file.
To associate a SMAF sound file with an ActionScript sound symbol:
1. In Flash MX Professional 2004, create a new document and name it FlashLiteSound. fla. Save
it in the same directory as birdChirp. mmf (CDK\Tutorials folder).
2. Select File > Publish Settings and select the Flash tab. In the player version pop-up menu, select
Flash Lite 1. 1. From the Property inspector select the Size button, and change your document properties so
that Width = 240, Height = 266, and Frame Rate = 15. Make sure to use the appropriate frame rate on the actual devices.
4. Select File > Import > Import to Library. Locate the CDK\Tutorials folder and select the
tempAudio. mp3 file. Select Window > Other Panels > Common Libraries > Buttons. Select a button and drag it to
the Stage.
6. The Timeline changes to allow editing of the button and displays
frames named Up, Over, Down, and Hit.
7. Select Insert > Timeline > Layer to create a new layer. Select Modify > Timeline > Layer
Properties and change the name of the layer to Sound.
8. Select the Down frame in the Sound layer and insert a keyframe. Select the testAudio. mp3 file from the Library window and drag it to the keyframe.
Adding sound to your Flash Lite 1. 1 application
10. Associate the proxy sound with the birdChirp. mmf file by doing the following:
Select Window > Library and find the sound that you added in step 9. Select the sound and right-click it to open the context menu. Select Properties from the context menu. [. . . ] This message is shown only when platform strings are specified in corresponding flags in the configuration file. Flash Player has set the platform capability variable
_capEmail to 1 in the current configuration. This
feature is not supported on these platforms: platform name.
feature is not supported on certain platforms. This message is shown only when platform strings are specified in corresponding flags in the configuration file. [. . . ]