Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] RF ToolboxTM 2 User's Guide
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The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. [. . . ] The ABCD-parameters for the shunt stub are calculated as:
A =1 B=0 C = 1 / Zin D =1
When you set the StubMode property to 'Series', the 2-port network consists of a series transmission line that you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit as shown in the following figure.
rfckt. parallelplate. AnalyzedResult property
Zin is the input impedance of the series circuit. The ABCD-parameters for the series stub are calculated as:
A =1 B = Zin C=0 D =1
The analyze method uses the S-parameters to calculate the group delay values at the frequencies specified in the analyze input argument freq, as described in the analyze reference page.
tx1 = rfckt. parallelplate; analyze(tx1, [1e9, 2e9, 3e9]); tx1. AnalyzedResult ans = Name: 'Data object' Freq: [3x1 double] S_Parameters: [2x2x3 double] GroupDelay: [3x1 double] NF: [3x1 double] OIP3: [3x1 double] Z0: 50 ZS: 50 ZL: 50 IntpType: 'Linear'
rfckt. parallelplate. EpsilonR property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Relative permittivity of dielectric Scalar The ratio of the permittivity of the dielectric, , to the permittivity of free space, 0. The default value is 2. 3.
tx1=rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. EpsilonR=2. 7;
rfckt. parallelplate. LineLength property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Parallel-plate line length Scalar The physical length of the parallel-plate transmission line in meters. The default is 0. 01.
tx1 = rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. LineLength = 0. 001;
rfckt. parallelplate. LossTangent property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Tangent of loss angle Scalar The loss angle tangent of the dielectric. The default is 0.
tx1=rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. LossTangent=0. 002;
rfckt. parallelplate. MuR property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Relative permeability of dielectric Scalar The ratio of the permeability of the dielectric, , to the permeability of free space, 0. Change the relative permeability of the dielectric:
tx1=rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. MuR=0. 8;
rfckt. parallelplate. Name property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Object name
'Parallel-Plate Transmission Line'
Read-only string that contains the name of the object.
tx1 = rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. Name ans = Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
rfckt. parallelplate. Separation property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Distance between plates Scalar Thickness, in meters, of the dielectric separating the plates. The default is 1. 0e-3. .
tx1=rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. Separation=0. 8e-3;
rfckt. parallelplate. SigmaCond property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Conductor conductivity Scalar Conductivity, in Siemens per meter (S/m), of the conductor. The default is Inf.
tx1=rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. SigmaCond=5. 81e7;
rfckt. parallelplate. StubMode property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Type of stub
'NotAStub' (default), 'Series', or 'Shunt'
String that specifies what type of stub, if any, to include in the transmission line model.
tx1 = rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. StubMode = 'Series';
rfckt. parallelplate. Termination property
Purpose Values Description
Stub transmission line termination
'NotApplicable' (default), 'Open', or 'Short'.
String that specifies what type of termination to use for 'Shunt'and 'Series' stub modes. Termination is ignored if the line has no stub. Use 'NotApplicable' when StubMode is 'NotAStub'.
tx1 = rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. StubMode = 'Series'; tx1. Termination = 'Short';
rfckt. parallelplate. Width property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Transmission line width Scalar Physical width, in meters, of the parallel-plate transmission line. The default is . 005. .
tx1=rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. Width=0. 001;
rfckt. parallelplate. nPort property
Purpose Values Description Examples
Number of ports 2 A read-only integer that indicates the object has two ports.
tx1 = rfckt. parallelplate; tx1. nPort ans = 2
rfckt. passive. AnalyzedResult property
Purpose Values Description
Computed S-parameters, noise figure, OIP3, and group delay values
rfdata. data object
Handle to an rfdata. data object that contains the S-parameters, noise figure, OIP3, and group delay values computed over the specified frequency range using the analyze method. The default is a 1-by-1 rfdata. data object that contains the S-parameters, noise figure, OIP3, and group delay values that result from analyzing the values stored in the passive. s2p file at the frequencies stored in this file. The analyze method computes the AnalyzedResult property as follows: The analyze method uses the data stored in the 'NetworkData' property of the rfckt. passive object to calculate the S-parameter values of the passive component at the frequencies specified in freq. If the 'NetworkData' property contains network Y- or Z-parameters, the analyze method first converts the parameters to S-parameters. Using the interpolation method you specify with the 'IntpType' property, the analyze method interpolates the S-parameter values to determine their values at the specified frequencies. Specifically, the analyze method orders the S-parameters according to the ascending order of their frequencies, fn. It then interpolates the S-parameters, using the MATLAB interp1 function. For example, the curve in the following diagram illustrates the result of interpolating the S11 parameters at five different frequencies.
rfckt. passive. AnalyzedResult property
Interpolated S11 parameter values Original S11 parameter values
f1 (fmin)
f3 (fmax)
Frequencies in ascending order of magnitude
For more information, see "One-Dimensional Interpolation" and the interp1 reference page in the MATLAB documentation. As shown in the preceding diagram, the analyze method uses the parameter values at fmin, the minimum input frequency, for all frequencies smaller than fmin. It uses the parameters values at fmax, the maximum input frequency, for all frequencies greater than fmax. In both cases, the results may not be accurate, so you need to specify network parameter values over a range of frequencies that is wide enough to account for the component behavior. The analyze method uses the S-parameters to calculate the group delay values at the frequencies specified in the analyze input argument freq, as described in the analyze reference page.
pas = rfckt. passive; pas. AnalyzedResult ans = Name: 'Data object' Freq: [202x1 double] S_Parameters: [2x2x202 double] GroupDelay: [202x1 double] NF: [202x1 double] OIP3: [202x1 double]
rfckt. passive. AnalyzedResult property
Z0: 50 ZS: 50 ZL: 50 IntpType: 'Linear'
rfckt. passive. IntpType property
Purpose Values Description
Interpolation method
'Linear' (default), 'Spline', or 'Cubic'
The analyze method is flexible in that it does not require the frequencies of the specified S-parameters to match the requested analysis frequencies. [. . . ] If all phases are zero or omitted, the toolbox assumes that the small signal phase from the network parameter section of the file (180*angle(S21(f))/pi) is the phase for all power levels. In contrast, if one or more phases in the power data section are nonzero, the toolbox interpolates and extrapolates the data to determine the phase at all power levels. The small signal phase (180*angle(S21(f))/pi) from the network parameter section is ignored.
AMP File Format
Inconsistency between the power data and network parameter sections of the file may cause incorrect results. To avoid this outcome, verify that the following criteria must is met: · The lowest input power value for which power data exists falls in the small signal (linear) region. [. . . ]