Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] KEEP UN}T IN GOO!) OP~RftTING CONDITION and keep safety d~jc~sil'1ptace.
2 d. 3.
AN CE ;.
Alw~ys keep area to be cleaned cleared before :s~o~fa, ll. -
A!ways start. e~ine with machine on Ie:vel S'. !rf. ac~ with m~ster~lutch 'disengaged;After startil)Q, let engine warm up $~veral minutes at $Iow speed before starting tor~mov9$i'I~w, 'fm~&hjn~ is'5toredtndoors, let engine anq machine adjust to outdoorttlmperatu before st"r~lh9 to: throw snow, , :':, :When throwing St10W. machine at full throttle for bestl'e~ults, . :' , run 3. 4, 5, When in deep heavy S('10W, shift to slowest speed, and start at ~~e'~dgp: areato be cleared, discharging snow to the outside, of AlwaY$ run engine a fe:\hJ minlJtes before storing, to dry moisture that collects inside of engine from blowing snow. NOTE, :r"EVERRUN ENGINE INDOORS OR:lN AN ENCLOSEDAAEA. [. . . ] ~Jl8f<~ certain th'e' fU!1!s!:iut. off vQI~e' under the 9~S 1;ank 'is turned on. Plac~ fflQchine o:n ~ !evel $urf~ce: Remo, ve oil fill and fiil crankcase with go~(j quality detergento!l, ,
Use MS cl()ssifica:~'on $AE 5W;:20 Qil , tor-
c. a, p
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operatio, f1
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M$, 'cla-ssif)t:'iitio, )
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operation ab6ve'40~f, , ':' 3. During initial "Bl'e~k. in", {;hecked often.
::":' , ', ": " 'peri9~. 'the' bif:':'Snouicl' b~ ' , ', , '
'4. Change 011 after first two (2) hours pf'o:pera, iof1 and cheCK oil level evet:y tiye (5~ ciperatillg: hol, itsor esc. h time machine is used. ". .
St AI'J 1. "6
$hift the masier :CIU~ cOl'ltfOI:'to "1ne'Ni'!utr~J", p6St'i~n. MO\f~ tj1'e:Choke lev~r to flJll ctiok~ 'pos:i:ion. Move $peed control I~\ler'-to rul) position. ;~i't~~neby pulling (ap)dly on t~j'ecoll startefyope. As th, eengine starts and begins to wa:iir' up, yr~dual]y ~~url') the choke le\fer to t~e "No Choke" pos. ition. , : , 'NOTE ~TemperattJre. , 1' :1'9°F~:'and~elow use "Primer. " PlI!. l, , primer button in :anc!:, ~old; putl engine slowly over :co~presSion: '-once 8rid::~rale. a&e I?rimer' buit~n- , ;00 'N:O'T AT1'EMPT T-() STAR'!T~E, -EI\IG!NE WITH PRIMER . :BUll"ON H, ELD IN. (Do , not' U!ie prim{;!r with 110 vbl, ~ electric starter. ) , '-' if the engi1, e should fail to sta~~ t:~f~r' to your engine I n$tru~tjdn M~mjf1l :', , : :c ' ,
To stqp :the"&f1gjl:i~ mo'ifi;ilh~ sp~ed(:(Jntr()1 lever to the 8tqp positiOn Qr c, I. owthe fV, el f1l:\ut:off, \jalv~under the 91100lifie"tank The' sp, /lrkplu9 ":JI!ire rJ:'ayalso be removed to prfNent accidental starting while ui'lattel1ded. Always fun ('. ngine. Ii few ~:i!'lutes !?l)f9r~ 9tQrirl~ ~~d, I:Y'!'r1o. . st~l'~ th~t: I;, oll~c't$'n~i~1' ofe;n9!ne from bloW'1:I9' s1)Qw.
Try, , you, rSnow. - tlitowe;rniachlne in a large open space " , '" 'v"jt!~e~9ine thr'ottl-e in . '!. tow position, ; Learn to, $t3I't, 5tO;P
, -and ~~tk~up durin9, thj, s~f. iel!Un; . -, , 2. , "In'rough areas;10, w~r'the~dlust!lble , Skids. Rcmove ~t'one$, wi:f~;, C~I:1!\, board$, :b'oric~ or oth~r SQlid object!:. from area to:b~ ~earcd. :4, Always fUn engine: a t~w :minutes oUt-dOVf5 befo:r~ , throwing ~"'I19w; , , ' , adjust ~l1g)nean. dm~chil1e~o 9, !J~~ide to ', . '
OP:I, I":TIOI 0"(01110\$
MASTER '(101(:8, / (OITIO:(
The ti'ia~t~r clu~h c9i1tl'ol i!\:jocated Oil handle panel 81')0 is: ~$ed to engage ~II ~we~. Select , t} forwardspeedcr r~\1er:sii wj~b shift lever, the'~'rele~~mas!erclutc:h conTrol and push f°f"'!~td 10 el'\g~ged~lvit di!jc(!an;'I'~~I: 'to:~iSengag~, putt tnBstel"clutch CQ, htt:blb8Ck~"d'loC~ '(n nOtCh. nle mast~r clutch controi ~us~:al\l!l&Ys bp}:i'1'I n~qtrfil :-p()sition befoi~ starting engi~e, '
The whee!clutdl:1es~r. ejocated9:\, l(I/h~els:!ind:ar~ '(i~Qdto
enga~ or di. seng?ge , powertq ~h~el-s; (:I r free::theWhe~j~ 'f~ pushing;~uI10\J~ ont!;~ ki1()ba~~cturntQiof. 'k, . pr'~~ide T9
~!f. p:ro~jlin~, pQ~~rto t~ wf1liel~turf1 clutchesin t/1e
9Pposite ~lrt!Cti?n::~nd release, The Wi1e~ICly~cf1e;~. 'are
Spring~)qad~d, ': ri'\6veVtllt untj. i tt!e:<::lut~hes . triwhee~; ie~k
The deflector may lie pOsitioned in either a vertical or a 45" position in reti)tion to the spout as needed for proper snow ~fiection by loosening the two wing nuts on both $ides o'f thE!deflector. [. . . ] LQasen:the cabte moun1ing bo'it andrernove the Qble . " ~rJdsfrom thecablepuHey. I. . oo~n m$ nut on the cable ~:as~ir WhiOI:1 h9(d~ the table to 'the upper W<>ut8ssemb, ly ar:l4, 'remove the
worn c~ble.
: , A, Fasten a loop in center of the cableUilder the cable , Was~e( lfiakiffg. cer1air that bdth:ends of th!;!, --, '' ,
8, With the cable crossed, wrap each end of the Cable around the upper spout.
A. ~9tate th~:up~r ';pout asiiiemblywitht~e disCharge side ilj:tfiti. oppOsite qir&ci. io~from the c~ble:pulley ~ide 01 th~ bloWer housing; " , 8; Exte~d th& ~ble f, rbm tJ:le. , fight ~ide 01:-t1)6 . upper Spout qssembiyover the to!liiron the left side -of the q~bfe roller bracketandttlrough th&let~c;:~bJe. holein thfj top of the blower !j?uSlrig'. Ext~nd':t6e cable from the left sid!1 ()f the ~out assemblyacros$ the c~nt;er table roller, b:ack f)nd around the cab'&" adjustment roller and over the t:able yo"ertJr'\ the right side of the
14 4. :~LACIN9 3; 2 ~. [. . . ]