Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable property of NEC Corporation (NEC) and/or its licensors. NEC and/or its licensors, as appropriate, reserve all patent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights are expressly granted to others. The NEC product(s) discussed in this document are warranted in accordance with the terms of the Warranty Statement accompanying each product. However, actual performance of each such product is dependent upon factors such as system configuration, customer data, and operator control. [. . . ] See the NEC Versa MediaDock 2000 User's Guide for instructions on connecting the docking station.
NEC Versa 2200C docked with a MediaDock 2000
Learning to Use the Hardware
NEC Versa MiniDock 2000
The NEC Versa MiniDock 2000 option provides you with the convenience of a dock at your desk without taking up a lot of space. With your NEC Versa 2200C securely attached to the MiniDock, you can have one connection with all your peripheral resources -- printer, local area network, monitor, mouse, and keyboard -- instead of five separate connections. The NEC MiniDock 2000 also provides two additional PCMCIA slots.
NEC Versa 2200C docked with a MiniDock 2000
Learning to Use the Hardware 2-23
About the Software
This chapter introduces you to the software that comes with the NEC Versa 2200C, including:
s Windows 95 or Windows for Workgroups s MS-DOS
s Online Help s NEC Utilities
Your NEC Versa 2200C gives you the option of loading either Windows 95 or Windows for Workgroups to use on your system. Both Microsoft operating systems provide a means of running applications, navigating through your file structure, and using your notebook computer. Each operating system offers its own look and means of operation. Both Windows 95 and Windows for Workgroups use a graphical interface to make the operating systems easy to use. Most popular programs today are designed specifically for Windows, using menus and dialog boxes that operate in much the same way. Learning one program, therefore, helps you learn other Windows programs.
About the Software 3-1
Windows 95
Windows 95 gives you the newest features offered by Microsoft, including a Desktop with room to maneuver, a Taskbar for quick navigation between open windows, plug and play features, networking functions, and more. When you choose to install Windows 95, the following icons are loaded on your desktop:
s My Computer -- provides access to drives, printers, the
Control Panel, and network features.
s Inbox -- lets you access the Microsoft Fax and Mail
software as well as Microsoft Network Services.
s The Internet -- lets you set up a connection via a mo-
dem or network PC card to the Internet.
s Microsoft Network -- lets you access the Microsoft
Network online service if you have a modem.
s Recycle Bin -- gives you a trash container in which to
put unwanted files.
s Network Neighborhood -- shows you the network, inte-
grated LANs, and WANs if your system is connected to a network.
s My Briefcase -- gives you quick access to files you fre-
quently use.
s NEC Versa 2200C InfoCenter -- provides several levels
of information about your NEC Versa 2200C. (This is further described later in this section. )
s Start -- lets you access a pop-up menu to start pro-
grams and applications, open documents, and shut down your system. See the online Using Windows 95 for instructions on using Windows 95.
3-2 About the Software
Windows for Workgroups
Windows for Workgroups offers the Windows interface to which experienced users are accustomed. The Program Manager contains the following program groups.
s Main -- Includes programs and tools to help you control
printing; set up printers, plotters, and modems; customize the desktop; and manage files.
s Microsoft Accessories -- Includes desktop programs
that come with Windows, such as a simple word processing program, a drawing program, a calendar, and a calculator.
s Startup -- Lets you add programs to start automatically
when you start Windows.
s Games -- Gives you a means to practice your Versa-
Glide skills or just relax.
s My Office -- Includes any applications that Windows
detects on your hard disk during installation.
s NEC Versa 2200C InfoCenter -- Includes online topics
specific to the NEC Versa, NEC customer support, and Windows and DOS.
s NEC Versa 2200C Utilities -- Includes small programs
written by NEC to help you manage your NEC Versa computer. Every application in Windows is assigned an icon. Application icons are placed in group windows, which are represented by group icons. To start an application, highlight and double click or double tap the application icon. See the online Windows QuickStart in the NEC Information program group for detailed instructions on using Windows for Workgroups.
About the Software 3-3
MS-DOS is the Microsoft disk operating system that runs the computer. DOS uses commands that every personal computer user needs to know at least a little about. The Windows environment makes it possible for you to manage your system and application programs without knowing DOS commands, but as you become more comfortable with computers you may want to begin learning DOS. For detailed instructions on how to use MS-DOS, refer to the online book MS-DOS 6. 22 QuickStart in the NEC Versa 2200C InfoCenter program group. (This is available if you have Windows for Workgroups on your computer. )
The NEC Versa 2200C has plenty of information for you online.
NEC Versa 2200C InfoCenter
The NEC Versa 2200C InfoCenter contains several specific areas of information to help you.
System Tour
The NEC Versa 2200C System Tour takes you completely around the computer, pointing out components, switches, software, and utilities. It's intended to get you comfortable with your new notebook computer. The Tour takes about five minutes.
Basics describes the NEC Versa 2200C main features, how to travel with the system, use power management, and care for the system. [. . . ] These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures. [. . . ]