Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Administration Guide
3. 7
December 2008
www. novell. com
OES 2 SP1: Novell iFolder 3. 7 Administration Guide
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Legal Notices
Novell, Inc. , makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this documentation, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. , reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. Further, Novell, Inc. , makes no representations or warranties with respect to any software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. , reserves the right to make changes to any and all parts of Novell software, at any time, without any obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes. [. . . ] Command Line Option You can also use the following script to extend the existing user objects or create a new user object with the iFolderUserProvision object class extension. 1 In the terminal console, type /opt/novell/ifolder3/bin/iFolderLdapUserUpdate. sh. 2 Type . /iFolderLdapUserUpdate. sh -h <Ldap URL> -d <admin DN> -w <admin
password> -u <user DN> [-s <surname>] [-c <user password>] [-i <iFolder Home Server>].
For example: . /iFolderLdapUserUpdate. sh -h ldaps://10. 10. 10. 10 -d admin, o=novell -w secret -u cn=abc, o=novell -s xyz -c secret -i 10. 10. 10. 10.
6. 9 Distributing the iFolder Client to Users
After you configure iFolder services on the enterprise server, users can download the install files for the iFolder client from the OES 2 Welcome page. NOTE: iFolder 3. 7 does not support a silent install (that is, a scriptable non-interactive install) on any platform. A silent install is possible the Linux client using its. rpm files, but it is not supported. Section 6. 9. 1, "Accessing the OES 2 Linux Welcome Page, " on page 89 Section 6. 9. 2, "Downloading the iFolder Client, " on page 89 Section 6. 9. 3, "Installing the iFolder Client, " on page 91
6. 9. 1 Accessing the OES 2 Linux Welcome Page
1 Open a Web browser to the following location to open the server's Welcome page:
http://ifolder3. example. com.
Replace ifolder3. example. com with the DNS name or the IP address (such as 192. 168. 1. 1) of the OES 2 Linux server.
6. 9. 2 Downloading the iFolder Client
On the OES 2. 0 SP1 Welcome page, users can select one of the following client links from the Client Software page under Available Downloads to download the install files for the iFolder client for Novell iFolder 3. 7:
Installing and Configuring iFolder Services
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Figure 6-1 Client Download
Users can download the following install files:
Table 6-2 Client Install Files
Link Name
Operating System/Description
iFolder 3. 7 Linux Client iFolder 3. 7 Windows Client iFolder 3. 7 Windows Client (64 bit)
Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 and later Windows Vista/ XP SP2 Windows Vista NOTE: To install Vista, right-click and select the option Install as Administrator.
ifolder3-linux. tar. gz ifolder3-windows. exe ifolder3-windows-x64. exe
iFolder 3. 7 Macintosh Client Install Script for iFolder Linux Client Mono 1. 2. 5 Download for Mac
Macintosh v10. 4. 11 and above Use the script to automatically install the iFolder client for Linux
ifolder-3. 7. 0-1. dmg
install-ifolder-script. sh
For more information on Mono, MonoFrameworksee Section 5. 6, "Mono 1. 2. x, " on 1. 2. 5_5. macos10. novell. u niversal. dmg page 51 Fore more information on AutoAccount. xml AutoAccount creation, see Section 6. 10, "Using a Response File to Automatically Create iFolder Accounts, " on page 91
XML Template for AutoAccount Creation
After expanding the install files, users are ready to install the iFolder client and its dependencies with the following files:
OES 2 SP1: Novell iFolder 3. 7 Administration Guide
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
Table 6-3 Install Files
iFolder Client
Install Files
iFolder for Linux
ifolder3-3. 7. 1. xxxx-1-1. i586. rpm nautilus-ifolder3-3. 7. 1. xxxx-1-1. i586. rpm simias-1. 7. 0. xxxx-1-0. 3. i586. rpm novell-ifolder-client-plugins-3. 7. 1. xxxx. 1-1. i586. rpm ifolder3-3. 7. 1. xxxx-1-1. x86_64. rpm nautilus-ifolder3-3. 7. 1. xxxx-1-1. x86_64. rpm simias-1. 7. 1. xxxx-1-0. 3. x86_64. rpm novell-ifolder-client-plugins-3. 7. 1. xxxx. 1-1. x86_64. rpm xsp-1. 2. 1-13. 8. noarch. rpm
iFolder for Windows iFolder for Windows (64 bits) iFolder for Macintosh
ifolder3-windows. exe ifolder3-windows-x64. exe ifolder-3. 7. 0-1. dmg
6. 9. 3 Installing the iFolder Client
For information about prerequisites and installation, see "Getting Started" in the OES 2 SP1: Novell iFolder 3. 7 Cross-Platform User Guide.
6. 10 Using a Response File to Automatically Create iFolder Accounts
Installing iFolder client and configuring an account on each desktop is a difficult task when the number of users are high. Without configuring an account, users cannot create iFolders or share iFolders on the system. For each user, you must provide a username and the server address with which they can configure an account by using the iFolder Account Assistant. To make these tasks simpler, it's useful to automate the process of installing and configuring iFolder. You can use a deployment manager such as Novell ZenWorks® to automate the process of iFolder installation. To make the iFolder account creation simpler and automatic, with little or no user interaction, you can use the Auto-account creation feature. iFolder Auto-account creation facility provides you an user-friendly XML-based response file that helps you create accounts for multiple enterprise users. The response file contains the necessary information in XML format such as default credential and server information to configure an account. You can use any deployment manager to distribute the client RPMs along with the customized response file to the user desktops. Section 6. 10. 1, "Response Files, " on page 92 Section 6. 10. 2, "Using a Response File to Deploying the iFolder Client, " on page 94
Installing and Configuring iFolder Services
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
6. 10. 1 Response Files
The response file is a user-specific XML file named AutoAccount. xml that contains the basic information to automatically create and configure an iFolder user account. A sample AutoAccount. xml is available for downloading in the Software Download page of the OES 2 Linux SP1 Welcome page. You can also use a script to generate a user-specific XML file with default credentials or with only the server information so that users can enter their credentials when the Account Assistant displays. See "Sample Response File" on page 93 for more information. Use a deployment manager to push the response file to the following folders depending on the client platform.
Table 6-4 Location of the Response file
Linux Windows XP Windows Vista
$HOME/. local/share/simias %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\simias %LOCALAPPDATA%/simias
IMPORTANT: The name of the response file AutoAccount. xml cannot be changed. The mandatory fields in the response file are Server and Username. If you specify only the server name without giving the username, then all the inputs to the response file except the server name is ignored. If this is the case, the Account Assistant displays with the server name pre populated with the value from the response file. The user should give the rest of the information in the iFolder Account Assistant. IMPORTANT: Regardless of whether a field is classified as mandatory or optional, the corresponding tags should always be present in the XML file for validation. The terms mandatory or optional apply only to the value of the tags and not to the tags themselves. [. . . ] The client supports Linux, Windows, and Macintosh desktops.
3. 1
Section 3. 4, "What's New in Novell iFolder 3. 1 (OES SP1 Linux), " on page 36Adds support for Open Enterprise Server (OES) SP1 Linux servers and repairs known defects. For information, see .
3. 2
Adds support for OES SP2 Linux servers and repairs known defects. For information, see Section 3. 3, "What's New in Novell iFolder 3. 2 (OES SP2 Linux), " on page 36. Adds support to upgrade from previous iFolder 3. x clients to an iFolder 3. 7 client and migrate from iFolder 2. x clients to an iFolder 3. 7 client.
3. 6
3. 7
Adds support to iFolder 2. x to iFolder 3. 7 server migration.
Product History of iFolder 3 207
novdocx (en) 13 May 2009
H. 2 Network Operating Systems Support
Table H-2 Network Operating Systems
Network Operating System
3. 0
3. 1
3. 2
3. 6
3. 7
OES Linux
Yes, but it does not support NSS volumes because of a kernel defect. [. . . ]