User manual PANASONIC TX-24AS-500E

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Mode d'emploi PANASONIC TX-24AS-500E
Manual abstract: user guide PANASONIC TX-24AS-500E

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] HHS WKH 79 DZD\ IURP HOHFWURQLF HTXLSPHQW YLGHR HTXLSPHQW HWF RU HTXLSPHQW ZLWK DQ LQIUDUHG VHQVRU RWKHUZLVH GLVWRUWLRQ RI LPDJH  VRXQG PD\ RFFXU RU RSHUDWLRQ RI RWKHU HTXLSPHQW PD\ EH DIIHFWHG Ɣ 3OHDVH DOVR UHDG WKH PDQXDO RI WKH HTXLSPHQW EHLQJ FRQQHFWHG 3 B Terminals 24-inch model 1 9 2 8 Ŷ Removing the pedestal from the TV %H VXUH WR UHPRYH WKH SHGHVWDO LQ WKH IROORZLQJ ZD\ ZKHQ XVLQJ WKH ZDOOKDQJLQJ EUDFNHW RU UHSDFNLQJ WKH 79 1 5HPRYH WKH DVVHPEO\ VFUHZV IURP WKH 79 2 3XOO RXW WKH SHGHVWDO IURP WKH 79 39-inch model 42-inch model 50-inch model 3 4 6 7 5 Ŷ Removing the pedestal from the TV %H VXUH WR UHPRYH WKH SHGHVWDO LQ WKH IROORZLQJ ZD\ ZKHQ XVLQJ WKH ZDOOKDQJLQJ EUDFNHW RU UHSDFNLQJ WKH 79 1 5HPRYH WKH DVVHPEO\ VFUHZV 3 5HPRYH WKH DVVHPEO\ VFUHZV IURP WKH 79 IURP WKH EUDFNHW 2 3XOO RXW WKH SHGHVWDO IURP WKH 79 1 DIGITAL AUDIO 2 HDMI1 - 2 4 ETHERNET (p. 10) 8 English Basic connections AV devices Ŷ Mains lead Ŷ DVD Recorder / VCR 79 $&  9    +] 0DLQV OHDG VXSSOLHG Insert the mains plug firmly into place. 9, (5$ /LQN ³+'$9, &RQWUROŒ´  English 11 Identifying Controls Remote Control Ɣ 'LVSOD\V FKDQQHO OLVW 8 [Option Menu] Ɣ (DV\ RSWLRQDO VHWWLQJ IRU YLHZLQJ VRXQG HWF 9 Coloured buttons (red-green-yellow-blue) Ɣ 8VHG IRU WKH VHOHFWLRQ QDYLJDWLRQ DQG RSHUDWLRQ RI YDULRXV IXQFWLRQV 10 Volume Up / Down 11 Numeric buttons Ɣ &KDQJHV FKDQQHO DQG WHOHWH[W SDJHV Ɣ 6HWV FKDUDFWHUV Ɣ :KHQ LQ 6WDQGE\ PRGH VZLWFKHV 79 RQ 12 [eHELP] Ɣ 'LVSOD\V >H+(/3@ %XLOWLQ 2SHUDWLQJ , QVWUXFWLRQV  13 Input mode selection Ɣ 79  VZLWFKHV WR '9%&  '9%7  $QDORJXH Ɣ $9  VZLWFKHV WR $9 LQSXW PRGH IURP , QSXW 6HOHFWLRQ OLVW 14 Aspect Ɣ &KDQJHV DVSHFW UDWLR 15 Subtitles Ɣ 'LVSOD\V VXEWLWOHV 16 Exit Ɣ 5HWXUQV WR >+RPH 6FUHHQ@ 17 HOME Ɣ 'LVSOD\V >+RPH 6FUHHQ@ 18 TV Guide Ɣ 'LVSOD\V (OHFWURQLF 3URJUDPPH *XLGH 19 Cursor buttons Ɣ 0DNHV VHOHFWLRQV DQG DGMXVWPHQWV 20 Return Ɣ 5HWXUQV WR WKH SUHYLRXV PHQX  SDJH 21 Channel Up / Down 22 Sound Mute On / Off 23 Last view Ɣ 6ZLWFKHV WR SUHYLRXVO\ YLHZHG FKDQQHO RU LQSXW PRGH 1 Standby On / Off switch 2 Off Timer Ɣ 6HWV WKH WLPH IRU WKH 79 WR DXWRPDWLFDOO\ WXUQ RII 3 [Main Menu] Ɣ 3UHVV WR DFFHVV 3LFWXUH 6RXQG 1HWZRUN 7LPHU 6HWXS DQG +HOS 0HQXV 4 Teletext button 5 Information Ɣ 'LVSOD\V FKDQQHO DQG SURJUDPPH LQIRUPDWLRQ 6 APPS Ɣ 'LVSOD\V >$336 /LVW@ DSSOLFDWLRQV OLVW  7 OK Ɣ &RQILUPV VHOHFWLRQV DQG FKRLFHV Ɣ 3UHVV DIWHU VHOHFWLQJ FKDQQHO SRVLWLRQV WR TXLFNO\ FKDQJH FKDQQHO 24 Operations for contents, connected equipment, etc. 12 English Ŷ Installing / Removing batteries 3XOO RSHQ +RRN Ɣ 7KH /(' EOLQNV ZKHQ WKH 79 UHFHLYHV D FRPPDQG IURP WKH UHPRWH FRQWURO &ORVH 1RWH WKH FRUUHFW SRODULW\  RU  Indicator / Control panel Ɣ :KHQ SUHVVLQJ    EXWWRQV WKH FRQWURO SDQHO JXLGH DSSHDUV RQ WKH ULJKW VLGH RI WKH VFUHHQ IRU  VHFRQGV WR KLJKOLJKW WKH SUHVVHG EXWWRQ 1 2 3 4 5HDU VLGH RI WKH 79 1 Input mode selection Ɣ 3UHVV UHSHDWHGO\ XQWLO \RX UHDFK WKH GHVLUHG PRGH [Main Menu] Ɣ 3UHVV DQG KROG IRU DERXW  VHFRQGV WR GLVSOD\ PDLQ PHQX OK ZKHQ LQ WKH PHQX V\VWHP 2 &KDQQHO 8S  'RZQ &XUVRU 8S  'RZQ ZKHQ LQ WKH PHQX V\VWHP 3 9ROXPH 8S  'RZQ &XUVRU /HIW  5LJKW ZKHQ LQ WKH PHQX V\VWHP 4 Mains power On / Off switch Ɣ 8VH WR VZLWFK WKH PDLQV SRZHU 5 Remote control signal receiver Ɣ 'R QRW SODFH DQ\ REMHFWV EHWZHHQ WKH 79 UHPRWH FRQWURO VLJQDO UHFHLYHU DQG UHPRWH FRQWURO 6 Ambient sensor Ɣ 6HQVHV EULJKWQHVV WR DGMXVW SLFWXUH TXDOLW\ ZKHQ >$PELHQW 6HQVRU@ LQ WKH 3LFWXUH 0HQX LV VHW WR >2Q@ 7 Power LED Red: 6WDQGE\ Green: 2Q English 5 6 7 13 First time Auto Setup $XWRPDWLFDOO\ VHWV XS WKH 79 DQG VHDUFKHV IRU DYDLODEOH 79 FKDQQHOV ZKHQ WKH 79 LV WXUQHG RQ IRU WKH ILUVW WLPH Ɣ 7KHVH VWHSV DUH QRW QHFHVVDU\ LI WKH VHWXS KDV EHHQ FRPSOHWHG E\ \RXU ORFDO GHDOHU Ɣ 3OHDVH FRPSOHWH FRQQHFWLRQV S    DQG VHWWLQJV LI QHFHVVDU\ RI WKH FRQQHFWHG HTXLSPHQW EHIRUH VWDUWLQJ $XWR 6HWXS )RU GHWDLOV RI VHWWLQJV IRU WKH FRQQHFWHG HTXLSPHQW UHDG WKH PDQXDO RI WKH HTXLSPHQW Tick the TV signal mode to tune, and then select [Start Auto Setup]  WXQH VHDUFK IRU WKH DYDLODEOH FKDQQHOV  VNLS WXQLQJ Ɣ $XWR 6HWXS VFUHHQ YDULHV GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH FRXQWU\ DQG WKH VLJQDO PRGH \RX VHOHFW Ɣ >'9%& 1HWZRUN 6HWWLQJV@ 1RUPDOO\ VHW >)UHTXHQF\@ DQG >1HWZRUN , '@ WR >$XWR@ , I >$XWR@ LV QRW GLVSOD\HG RU LI QHFHVVDU\ HQWHU >)UHTXHQF\@ DQG >1HWZRUN , '@ VSHFLILHG E\ \RXU FDEOH SURYLGHU ZLWK QXPHULF EXWWRQV 1 Plug the TV into mains socket and turn power on Ɣ 7DNHV D IHZ VHFRQGV WR EH GLVSOD\HG 3 Select the type of [Home Screen] 7KH GHPRQVWUDWLRQ WR H[SODLQ KRZ WR XVH >P\ +RPH 6FUHHQ@ LV GLVSOD\HG &RQILUP WKH GHPRQVWUDWLRQ E\ IROORZLQJ WKH RQVFUHHQ LQVWUXFWLRQV DQG WKHQ VHOHFW WKH GHVLUHG >+RPH 6FUHHQ@ ([DPSOH >+RPH 6FUHHQ 6HOHFWLRQ@ 2 Select the following items 6HW XS HDFK LWHP E\ IROORZLQJ WKH RQVFUHHQ LQVWUXFWLRQV ([DPSOH Please select your viewing environment. [. . . ] Ɣ Is [Contrast], [Brightness] or [Colour] in the Picture Menu set to the minimum? Check all required cables and connections are firmly in place. Unusual image is displayed Ɣ Turn the TV off with Mains power On / Off switch, then turn it on again. If the problem persists , initialise all settings. [Shipping Condition] in [System Menu] (Setup Menu) Parts of the TV become hot Ɣ Even if the temperature of parts of the front, top and rear panels has risen, these temperature rises do not cause any problems in terms of performance or quality. The LCD panel moves slightly and clattered sound is heard when it is pushed with a finger Ɣ There is a little gap around the panel to prevent damage to the panel. Maintenance First, remove the mains plug from the socket outlet. Display panel, Cabinet, Pedestal Regular care: Gently wipe the surface of the display panel, cabinet, or pedestal by using a soft cloth to clean the dirt or fingerprints. For stubborn dirt: (1) First clean the dust on the surface. (2) Dampen a soft cloth with clean water or diluted neutral detergent (1 part detergent to 100 parts water). (Please note liquids do not enter the TV inside. ) (4) Finally, wipe away all the moisture. Caution Ɣ Do not use a hard cloth or rub the surface too hard, otherwise this may cause scratches on the surface. Ɣ Take care not to subject the surfaces to insect repellent, solvent, thinner or other volatile substances. This may degrade surface quality or cause peeling of the paint. Ɣ The surface of the display panel is specially treated and may be easily damaged. Take care not to tap or scratch the surface with your fingernail or other hard objects. Ɣ Do not allow the cabinet and pedestal to make contact with a rubber or PVC substance for a long time. Mains plug Wipe the mains plug with a dry cloth at regular intervals. moisture and dust may cause fire or electrical shock. [. . . ] For more information about collection and recycling of old products and batteries, please contact your local municipality, your waste disposal service or the point of sale where you purchased the items. Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this waste, in accordance with national legislation. For business users in the European Union If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier for further information. [Information on Disposal in other Countries outside the European Union] These symbols are only valid in the European Union. [. . . ]


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