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Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] If this situation is undesirable for the application, the surge protector should be replaced. Units with Power BlockerTM protection will cease to conduct power through the unit once they have reached capacity. At that time, the unit needs to be replaced to ensure proper protection. Units with Power BlockerTM 2 technology will cease to conduct power through the unit once the MOV's have reached capacity. [. . . ] Instead of running a connection directly from your TV/VCR/Cable Box to the wall jack, you must pass the connection through the protected coaxial connections on your surge protector.
IN/OUT Phone Line Protection
Connect your phone/fax/modem line from your wall outlet to the "Input" jack on the surge protector. Connect a phone cord into the "Output" jack on the surge protector, and connect the other end of the phone cord to the phone/fax/modem jack of the device you want to protect. To claim damage under the Connected Equipment Warranty as a result of telephone service line transients, equipment must be properly connected to a Philips surge protector which offers telephone line protection, and your telephone service equipment must include a properly installed and operating "primary protection" device at the service entrance. (Such devices are normally added during telephone line installation. ) If you fail to connect the phone/fax/ modem protection your connected equipment will not be covered by the Connected Equipment Warranty. Most modem damage can be prevented if you take the time to connect the phone/fax/modem protection.
Connect your incoming cable/broadband line to the "Input" coaxial connector on the surge protector. Connect a coax cable into the "Output" coaxial connector on the surge protector, and connect the other end of the Coaxial Cable to the input coaxial connector of the device you want to protect. To claim damage under the Connected Equipment Warranty as a result of coaxial line transients, equipment must be properly connected to a Philips surge protector which offers coaxial line protection. If you fail to connect the Coaxial Cable protection, your connected equipment will not be covered by the Connected Equipment Warranty. Most TV/VCR damage can be prevented if you take the time to connect Coaxial Cable protection. Surge protector models with coaxial protection are designed to provide maximum protection from surges present on standard coax/broadband lines. Other communications networks, such as antennas, satellite dishes, which happen to use coaxial connections may not benefit from this protection. You should select a Philips model specifically designed for DBS products for additional protection. CAUTION: The coaxial feature of this product could be rendered inoperable if improperly installed.
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Splitter Phone Line Protection Splits incoming phone line into two outs. Ideal for people with one telephone number, who use a modem and telephone. Note: Modem and phone can not be used at the same time.
If you have additional questions, or if you would like to locate the Philips retailer nearest you, please contact our customer service department at (800) 233-8413. Note: This device features an internal protection that will disconnect the surge protective component at the end of its useful life but will maintain power to the load - now unprotected. If this situation is undesirable for the application, follow the manufacturer's instructions for replacing the device.
2-Device Phone Line Protection Advanced two-line phone/modem/ fax protection. Allows use of two devices simultaneaously.
www. philips. com
LIMITED WARRANTIES Philips, Inc. [. . . ] If you fail to connect the coaxial cable protection properly, your connected equipment will not be covered by the Connected Equipment Warranty. To make a warranty claim, consumer must contact the Philips customer service department at (800) 2338413 and provide a full description of the damage. The customer service department will provide the consumer with a Return Authorization number (RA#). Philips will determine, at its sole discretion, whether consumer should send the damaged equipment and the surge protector to Philips, or to an independent repair facility. If Philips so requests, the consumer must, at his/her own expense, send the damaged equipment and the surge protector, along with a copy of the sales receipt, to the specified location, in secure packaging (to prevent further damage) with the RA# clearly displayed on the outside of the package, and with a full written description of the problem, including the consumer's name, address, and daytime phone enclosed. [. . . ]
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