User manual SMEG 3800

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Mode d'emploi SMEG 3800
Manual abstract: user guide SMEG 3800

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] Theproductmustbeunpluggedduring installation, maintenance, cleaning and repairing procedures. Alwayshavetheinstallationandrepairing procedurescarriedoutbytheAuthorized ServiceAgent. Manufacturershallnotbe heldliablefordamagesthatmayarisefrom procedurescarriedoutbyunauthorized persons. Thisproducthasbeendesignedfordomestic use. Itisnotsuitableforcommercialuseand itmustnotbeusedoutofitsintendeduse. Theproductmustonlybeusedforwashing and rinsing of laundry that are marked accordingly. [. . . ] Use detergents without bleach. Dark colors (Recommended temperature range based on soiling level: cold40C) Delicates/ Woolens/Silks (Recommended temperature range based on soiling level: cold-30C) Heavily Soiled (difficult stains such as grass, coffee, fruits and blood. ) Liquid detergents suitable for colours and dark colours can be used at dosages recommended for heavily soiled clothes. Prefer liquid detergents produced for delicate clothes. Woollen and silk clothes must be washed with special woollen detergents. Soiling Level Normally Soiled (For example, stains caused by body on collars and cuffs) Liquid detergents suitable for colours and dark colours can be used at dosages recommended for normally soiled clothes. Liquid detergents suitable for colours and dark colours can be used at dosages recommended for lightly soiled clothes. Prefer liquid detergents produced for delicate clothes. Woollen and silk clothes must be washed with special woollen detergents. Prefer liquid detergents produced for delicate clothes. Woollen and silk clothes must be washed with special woollen detergents. Lightly Soiled (No visible stains exist. ) 9 EN 4 Operating the product Control panel 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 - - - - - 7 8 6 7 8 - - - DelayedStartbuttons(+/-) AuxiliaryFunctionbuttons Start/Pause/Cancelbutton SpinSpeedAdjustmentbutton Display TemperatureAdjustmentbutton ProgrammeSelectionknob On/Offbutton Display symbols Preparing the machine Makesurethatthehosesareconnectedtightly. Placethelaundryinthemachine. Adddetergent andfabricsoftener. Programme selection 1. Selecttheprogrammesuitableforthetype, quantityandsoilingdegreeofthelaundry in accordance with the "Programme and consumptiontable"andthetemperaturetable below. F1 F2 F3 F4 90°C a b c d e f - - - - - - SpinSpeedindicator Temperatureindicator Spinsymbol Temperaturesymbol RemainingTimeandDelayedStart indicator ProgrammeIndicatorsymbols(Prewash /MainWash/Rinse/Softener/Spin) Economysymbol DelayedStartsymbol DoorLockedsymbol Startsymbol Pausesymbol AuxiliaryFunctionsymbols NoWatersymbol 10 Heavilysoiledwhitecottonsandlinens. (coffeetablecovers, tableclothes, towels, bedsheets, etc. ) Normally soiled, coloured, fade proof cottons or synthetic clothes (shirt, nightgown, pajamas, etc. ) and lightly soiled white linens (underwear, etc. ) Blendedlaundryincludingdelicate textile (veil curtains, etc. ), synthetics and woolens. 60°C 40°C30°C- Cold 2. g - h - i - j - k - l - m - Select the desired programme with the ProgrammeSelectionbutton. C Programmes are limited with the highest spin speed appropriate for that particular type of fabric. Whenselectingaprogramme, always C considerthetypeoffabric, colour, degreeof EN soilingandpermissiblewatertemperature. · Intensivo (Intensive) Youcanwashyourdurableandheavilysoiled clothesonthisprogram. Inthisprogram, your clotheswillbewashedforalongertimeand anextrarinsecyclewillbemadecomparedto the"Cottons"program. Youcanuseitforyour heavilysoiledclothesthatyouwishtoberinsed gently. · Quotidiano (Shirts) Usethisprogrammetowashtheshirtsmadeof cotton, syntheticandsyntheticblendedfabrics together. · Tende (Curtain) Usethisprogrammetowashyourtullesand curtains. Thanks to the special spin profile of the programme, tulles and curtains crease lesser. Astheirmeshedtexturecausesexcessive foaming, washtheveils/tullebyputtinglittle amount of detergent into the main wash compartment. Donotputdetergentinthe prewash compartment. Prewash is used to clean thedirt(dust, sooth, etc. )onthetulles/curtains thatcanberemovedeasily. C Itissuggestedtouserecommended detergents for curtains in this programme. · Lavaggio a freddo (Coton 20) Usethisprogramme, whichismuchmoresensitive to environment and natural resources, to wash your lightly soiled and unstained cotton laundry (max. 3. 5kg)inashorttimeandeconomically. C Itisrecommendedtouseliquiddetergentor gel washing detergent. Special programmes For specific applications, select any of the following programmes. · Risciacquo (Rinse) Usethisprogrammewhenyouwanttorinseor starch separately. · Centrifuga+Scarico (Spin + Drain) Usethisprogrammetoapplyanadditionalspin cycle for your laundry or to drain the water in the EN machine. [. . . ] Dischargingthewaterwhentheproducthasan emergency draining hose: 17 EN 6 Technical specifications Models Maximumdrylaundrycapacity(kg) Height(cm) Width(cm) Depth(cm) Net weight (±4 kg. ) Electricalinput(V/Hz) Totalcurrent(A) Totalpower(W) Spin speed (rpm max. ) Stand-bymodepower(W) Off-modepower(W) 3800 7 84 60 54 71 230V/50Hz 10 2200 1000 1. 40 0. 20 C Technicalspecificationsmaybechangedwithoutpriornoticetoimprovethequalityoftheproduct. C Figures in this manual are schematic and may not match the product exactly. C Valuesstatedontheproductlabelsorinthedocumentationaccompanyingitareobtainedin laboratoryconditionsinaccordancewiththerelevantstandards. Dependingonoperationaland environmental conditions of the product, these values may vary. Thisappliance'spackagingmaterialisrecyclable. Helprecycleitandprotectthe environmentbydroppingitoffinthemunicipalreceptaclesprovidedforthispurpose. Yourappliancealsocontainsagreatamountofrecyclablematerial. Itismarkedwith thislabeltoindicatetheusedappliancesthatshouldnotbemixedwithotherwaste. [. . . ]


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