User manual SMEG MBR35EB

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Mode d'emploi SMEG MBR35EB
Manual abstract: user guide SMEG MBR35EB

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] Iftheproducthasafailure, itshouldnot be operated unless it is repaired by the AuthorizedServiceAgent. Thereistheriskof electric shock!Thisproductisdesignedtoresumeoperating intheeventofpoweringonafterapower interruption. Ifyouwishtocancelthe programme, see "Cancelling the programme" section. Connecttheproducttoagroundedoutlet protectedbyafusecomplyingwiththevalues in the "Technical specifications" table. Do not neglect to have the grounding installation made by a qualified electrician. [. . . ] Usethetabletorgeldetergentwithout C selectingtheprewashfunction. Using starch · Addliquidstarch, powderstarchorthe dyestuff into the softener compartment as instructed on the package. · Donotusesoftenerandstarchtogetherina washingcycle. · Wipetheinsideofthemachinewithadamp and clean cloth after using starch. Using bleaches · Selectaprogrammewithprewashandadd the bleaching agent at the beginning of the prewash. Donotputdetergentintheprewash compartment. As an alternative application, selectaprogrammewithextrarinseandadd thebleachingagentwhilethemachineis takingwaterfromthedetergentcompartment during first rinsing step. 24 EN · Tips for efficient washing Clothes Light colours and whites (Recommended temperature range based on soiling level: 40-90C) It may be necessary topre-treatthe stains of perform prewash. Powder and liquid detergents Heavily Soiled recommended forwhitescanbe (difficult stains used at dosages such as grass, recommended for coffee, fruits and heavily soiled clothes. It is recommended to blood. ) usepowderdetergents to clean clay and soil stains and the stains that are sensitive to bleaches. Powderand liquid detergents recommended for (For example, whitescanbeusedat stains caused by dosages recommended body on collars for normally soiled and cuffs) clothes. Normally Soiled Colors Dark colors Delicates/ Woolens/Silks (Recommended temperature range based on soiling level:cold-30C) (Recommended (Recommended temperature range temperature range based based on soiling onsoilinglevel:cold-40C) level:cold-40C) Powderand liquid detergents recommended for colours can be used at dosages recommended for heavily soiled clothes. It is recommended to use powderdetergentsto clean clay and soil stains and the stains that are sensitive to bleaches. · Cotone Eco (Cotton Economic) Youmaywashyournormallysoileddurablecotton andlinenlaundryinthisprogrammewiththe highestenergyandwatersavingcomparedto allotherwashprogrammessuitableforcottons. Actualwatertemperaturemaydifferfromthe declared cycle temperature. Programme duration may automatically be shortened during later stages oftheprogrammeifyouwashlessamount(e. g. ½ capacity or less) of laundry. In this case energy and waterconsumptionwillbefurtherdecreasedgiving youtheopportunityforamoreeconomicalwash. This feature is available for certain models having remaining time display. · ntensivo (Intensive) Usethisprogrammeforbabyclothesandclothes wornbyallergicpeople. Increasedhygieneis provided by a longer heating period and an additional rinse cycle. · Lavaggio a mano (Hand wash) Usethisprogrammetowashyourwoolen/delicate clothesthatbear"notmachine-washable"tags andforwhichhandwashisrecommended. It washeslaundrywithaverygentlewashingaction to not to damage clothes. · Quotidiano (Mini) Usethisprogrammetoquicklywashyourlightly soiled cotton clothes. · Mix 40 Usethisprogrammetowashyourcottonand syntheticclothestogetherwithoutsortingthem. · Camicie (Shirts) Usethisprogrammetowashtheshirtsmadeof cotton, synthetic and synthetic blended fabrics together. Ifyouwishtodrainonlythewaterwithoutspinning yourlaundry, selectthePump+Spinprogramme andthenselecttheNoSpinfunctionwiththehelp ofSpinSpeedAdjustmentbutton. PressStart/ Pause button. C Usealowerspinspeedfordelicatelaundries. Temperature selection Wheneveranewprogrammeisselected, the recommended temperature for the selected programme appears on the temperature indicator. [. . . ] C Values stated on the product labels or in the documentation accompanying it are obtained in laboratoryconditionsinaccordancewiththerelevantstandards. Dependingonoperationaland environmental conditions of the product, these values may vary. This appliance's packaging material is recyclable. Help recycle it and protect the environment by dropping it off in the municipal receptacles provided for this purpose. Yourappliancealsocontainsagreatamountofrecyclablematerial. Itismarkedwith thislabeltoindicatetheusedappliancesthatshouldnotbemixedwithotherwaste. Thisway, theappliancerecyclingorganisedbyyourmanufacturerwillbedoneunder thebestpossibleconditions, incompliancewithEuropeanDirective2002/96/ECon WasteElectricalandElectronicEquipment. Contactyourtownhalloryourretailerforthe used appliance collection points closest to your home. [. . . ]


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