User manual SONY ICD-SX850

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Mode d'emploi SONY ICD-SX850

You may also download the following manuals related to this product:

   SONY ICD-SX850 annexe 3 (6888 ko)
   SONY ICD-SX850 annexe 2 (2293 ko)
   SONY ICD-SX850 annexe 1 (2172 ko)

Manual abstract: user guide SONY ICD-SX850

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] For customers in Europe Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) Thissymbolontheproductoronits packagingindicatesthatthisproduct shallnotbetreatedashousehold waste. Insteaditshallbehandedover totheapplicablecollectionpoint fortherecyclingofelectricaland electronicequipment. Byensuringthis productisdisposedofcorrectly, you willhelppreventpotentialnegativeconsequences fortheenvironmentandhumanhealth, whichcould otherwisebecausedbyinappropriatewastehandling ofthisproduct. Therecyclingofmaterialswillhelp toconservenaturalresources. Formoredetailed informationaboutrecyclingofthisproduct, please contactyourlocalCivicOffice, yourhouseholdwaste disposalserviceortheshopwhereyoupurchased theproduct. Applicableaccessories:USBconnectingcable, cradle achemicalsymbol. Thechemicalsymbolsformercury (Hg)orlead(Pb)areaddedifthebatterycontains morethan0. 0005%mercuryor0. 004%lead. Byensuringthesebatteriesaredisposedof correctly, youwillhelppreventpotentiallynegative consequencesfortheenvironmentandhumanhealth whichcouldotherwisebecausedbyinappropriate wastehandlingofthebattery. Therecyclingofthe materialswillhelptoconservenaturalresources. Incaseofproductsthatforsafety, performance ordataintegrityreasonsrequireapermanent connectionwithanincorporatedbattery, thisbattery shouldbereplacedbyqualifiedservicestaffonly. [. . . ] LPCM : Stereolongplayhigh-qualityrecordingmode. LPEC : Stereohigh-qualityrecordingmode. See page 30 GB Menu items REC LEVEL Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the microphone sensitivity. LOW : Torecorddictationwithamicrophoneinfrontofyour mouth, asoundneartheICrecorder, oraloudsound. HIGH *: Torecordthesoundofanormalconversationormeeting, suchasarecordingmadeinaconferenceroomorduring interviews. S-HIGH : TorecordasoundfarawayfromtheICrecorderoralow sound, suchasarecordingmadeinaspaciousroom. MUSIC : Torecordmorenaturalacousticsound, aswellas preventingsounddistortion. MANUAL: Duringmanualrecording, youcanadjusttherecording levelmanually. Sets the LCF (Low Cut Filter) function to cut a low frequency to reduce the roaring noise from wind; therfore you can record a message more clearly. OFF*: TheLCFfunctioniscancelled. See page 33 Utilizing the Menu Function LCF (LOW CUT) 41 GB Menu items VOR Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the VOR (Voice Operated Recording) function. ON: RecordingstartswhentheICrecorderdetectssoundand pauseswhennosoundisheard, eliminatingrecording duringsoundlessperiods. TheVORfunctionisactivated when(record/pause)ispressed. OFF*: TheVORfunctiondoesnotwork. See page 42 Note DISPLAY If"RECLEVEL"issetto"MANUAL, "theVORfunctiondoesnotwork. Changes the display mode in the playback/stop mode. ELAPSE*: Elapsedplaybacktimeofonemessage REMAIN: Theremainingtimeofonemessage RECDATE: Daterecorded Sets the DPC (Digital Pitch Control) function. WhenyousettheDPCswitchto"ON, "youcanadjustthe speedoftheplaybackinarangefrom+200%to-75%. Setthe speedby10%for+settingandby5%for­setting. ­30%* ­ DPC 59 GB Menu items V-UP Settings (*: Initial setting) A low-level portion of a recorded message can be amplified, allowing you to hear even low/small voices more easily. MEDIUM: AdjuststheV-UPfunctionlessfinely. MAXIMUM: AdjuststheV-UPfunctionmoreeffectively. Sets whether to reinforce bass sound during playback. OFF*: TheEFFECTfunctiondoesnotwork. See page 63 EFFECT 60 Utilizing the Menu Function Note EASY SEARCH Whenplayingbackmessagesusingabuilt-inspeaker, theEFFECT functiondoesnotwork. Sets the easy search function. ON: Youcangoforwardforabout10secondsbypressing andgobackforabout3secondsbypressing. This functionisusefulwhenattemptingtolocatedesiredpoint inalongrecording. OFF*: Theeasysearchfunctiondoesnotwork. Whenyou pressor, amessagewillbemovedforwardor backward. 55 GB Menu items PLAY MODE Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the playback mode. 1: AmessageisplayedbackandtheICrecorderstopsafter playback. *: Messagesinonefolderareplayedbackcontinuouslyand theICrecorderstopsafterplayback. [. . . ] 17, 30, 32, 82 LPCM44/16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 30, 32, 82 LPECLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 30, 32, 82 LPECSP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 30, 32, 82 LPECST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ]


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