User manual SONY XPV50

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Mode d'emploi SONY XPV50
Manual abstract: user guide SONY XPV50

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] anua XP-V50 XP-V503J COMPACT DISC PLAYER REPRODUCTOR DE DISCOS COMPACTOS OWNER'S RECORD For your convenience, record the model number and the serial number (you will finditon the bottom ofyourset) inthespace provided below. Please refer tothem when you contact your Aiwa dealer in case of difficulty. Highlighted letters in the text of this manual correspond to the illustrations. Las Ietras subrayadas a 10Iargo de este manual corresponded a Ias mismas Ietras en Ias figuras. Les Iettres en 6vidence clans ce mode d'emploi correspondent illustrations. A celles des PRECAUCIONES q PRECAUTIONS q OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCCIONES DE MANEJO MODE D'EMPLOI AIWA CO. , LTD. 8Z-HC5-903-01 980908AY0-OX Printed in China PRECAUTIONS To maintain good performance q Do not use the unit in places which are extremeiy hot, cold, dusty or humid. In particular, do not use or keep the unit in following places. [. . . ] Certains etats et des Iois locales interdisent Ieur mise au rebut clans Ies ordures m6nageres municipaies A la fin de Ieur vie de service. Faites Ie 1-800-298-2492 pour obtenir des information sur Ie recyclage de ces piles. m B@ Ni_Cd X & USING ON AC HOUSE CURRENT Connect the auppliedAC adaptor in the same way as when recharging the batteries. During operation on AC house current, all of the battery indicator disappears. FUNCIONAMIENTO CON LA CA DEL HOGAR FONCTIONNEMENT SUR LE SECTEUR Raccordez i'adaptateur secteur comme pour la recharge des piles. Pendant Ie fonctionnement sur Ie secteur, tous Ies indicateurs da piles disparaissent. Conecte ei adaptador de CA suministrado de la misma forma que para recargar Ias baterias. Si se hate funcionar con la CA del hogar, se apagan todos ios indicadores de pilas, BEFORE PLAYBACK HOLD switch --+ u Release the HOLD switch before playback. -r @ When not using the unit, set the HOLD switch to the HOLD position. Accidentally pressed button will not function, + @ if buttons are pressed when the HOLD switch is set to the HOLD position, "HOLd flashes in the display. ANTES DE REPRODUCER Interrupter HOLD -+ AVANT LA LECTURE Commutateur HOLD -+ u u Turning on and off+ u Sueite e] interruptor HOLD antes de reproducer. + @ Cuando no utilice el aparato, mueva ei interruptor HOLD a la posici6n HOLD. Esto impedira que funcione al oprimir accidentalmente uno de Ios botones. -r @ Si se oprimen botones cuando el interruptor HOLD esta en la posici6n HOLD, desteiia "HOLd" en la pantalia. Lib&ez Ie commutateur HOLD avant ia lecture. -r @ Quand vous utilisez I'appareil, rdglez Ie commutateur HOLD A la position HOLD. Les touches press6es par inadvertence resteront inop&antes. + @ Si des touches sent press6es afors que Ie commutateur HOLD est A la position HOLD, "HOLd" clignotera clans I'affichage. Turning the power on Press -II PLAY/PAUSE. Turning the power off If no new operationa are done within 30 seconds from the end of last operation, the power is turned off automatically. (Auto power off function) q You can turnoff the power before it is automatically turned off by pressing 9 STOP/ OFFICHARGE. Conexiorr y desconexihr -+ u Mise sous et hors tension + u Conexi6n dei aparato Oprima -11 PLAY/PAUSE, Se conecta el aparato y empieza a reproducer. Desconexir5n dei aparato Si no se hate ningunanueva operaci6n antes de 30 segundosdespu6s de terminar la tiitima operaci6n, se desconecta autom~ticamente el aparato. (funci6n de desconexi6n automfdica) q Se puede desconectar ei aparato antes de que funcione ia desconexi6n autom~tica oprimiendo s STOP/OFF/CHARGE. Mise sous tension Appuyez sur -II PLAY/PAUSE, L'appareil sera mis sous tension et la iecture d6marrera. Mise hors tanaion Si aucune nouveile op6ration n'est effectube pendant 30 secondes aprbs la fin du fonctionnement, i'appareii sera automatiquement mis hors tension (fonction de coupure automatique). q Vous pouvez mettre I'appareil hors tension avant la coupure automatique en appuyant sur ia touche W STOP/OFF/CHARGE. Standby mode -+ 1 u When an operation finishes, the unit goes into standby mode until the auto power off function automatically turns off the oower. To enter standby mode: press ~11 PLAY/PAUSE to start playback, then press s STOPIOFFICHARGE. Modo de espera + u Adjusting the sound Voiume + u Turn the VOL control to adjust the volume. DSL + u Press DSL for more powerful sound and deeper basa. D%L : Deep bass is emphasized, S : Deep bass is strongiy emphasized. [. . . ] Lens cleaning solution is commercially available. Note Take care not to get too much solution on the swab, which could flow into the unit and cause damage. Pressing too strongly with the swab could scratch or break the lens. MANTENIMIENTO Para Iimpiar la Iente --+ u Si la Iente est~ sucia, puede haber saltos en el sonido o no reproducer. En este caso Iimpie la Iente de la siguiente forma. [. . . ]


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