Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Using the TI-73:
A Guide for Teachers
Table of Contents <
Developed by
Cathy Cromar, Stephen Davies, Pamela Patton Giles, Gary Hanson, Pamela Weber Harris, Rita Janes, Ellen Johnston, Jane Martain, Linda K. McNay, Melissa Nast, Louise Nutzman, Aletha Paskett, Claudia Schmitt, and Karen Wilcox
Edited by
Brenda Curry
Design by
Susan Gullord
With contributions by
Eddy Frey, Doug Harnish, Guy Harris, Gay Riley-Pfund, and Dianna Tidwell
Using the TI-73: A Guide for Teachers
About the Development Team
Texas Instruments would like to acknowledge the following individuals who worked as a team in developing and evaluating these materials. Cathy Cromar teacher, Cottonwood Heights Elementary School, Salt Lake City, Utah Stephen Davies teacher, Oquirrh Elementary School, West Jordan, Utah Pamela Patton Giles K-12 math specialist, Jordan School District, Sandy, Utah Gary Hanson teacher, Sprucewood Elementary School, Sandy, Utah Pamela Weber Harris teacher, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas Rita Janes teacher, Newfound Educational Associates, St. John's, Newfoundland Ellen Johnston teacher, Trinity Junior High School, Fort Smith, Arkansas Jane Martain teacher, Mountview Elementary School, Salt Lake City, Utah Linda K. [. . . ] Access the DRAW STO menu and select StorePic. 2""b
Activity 7: The Dolphin
3. Access the VARS menu and select Picture. At PICTURE, select where you want to store your picture. b to select Pic1 or 2 to select Pic2 or 3 to select Pic3 To recall the picture, 1. Starting at the Home screen (- l), go to DRAW STO and select RecallPic. Select where your picture is stored (Pic1, 2 or 3). Press *.
Using the TI-73: A Guide for Teachers
41 Activity 8
Measurement and Geometry
rate of change volume graphs of equations
Drip, Drip, Drip
Students collect data from a dripping faucet. Then, using the TI-73, they produce data on the Home screen. Afterwards, they view the same data using a table, a graph, and the Trace feature.
student activity sheets (provided) sink with faucet or large container with a small hole in lid watch with second hand container for collecting water measuring cups or cylinders TI-73
Activity--Part A
Have students perform the steps unless otherwise indicated. Turn on the faucet to a slow drip, and place a container to collect the water. Record on the student activity sheet the exact time when you begin to collect the data. During the collection, count and record the number of drops for any 2-minute period. Use the TI-73 to calculate the number of drops per minute. Enter your 2-minute drip count and divide by 2. Measure the volume of the water collected in the 10-minute period.
a faucet is not If large containeravailable, a with a small hole can be used (plastic gallon milk jug, large can, etc. ). Leave the lid on the container to get a drip rather than a steady stream of water.
Using the TI-73: A Guide for Teachers
Measurement and Geometry
7. Ask students: Why did we count for 2 minutes?Counting for 2 minutes allows you to get an average for 1 minute. Counting for 3 or 4 minutes might give a more accurate average per minute, but it might be too long for your students. ) Could you calculate the volume of each drop?(volume of water / number of drops) How much water would be collected in 1 hour?What changes to increase the total amount of water? [. . . ] Here are some things you may want them to address: Do you think that packaging, advertising, shipping, etc. have anything to do with different prices for the same product?How can a company of a certain brand charge more?How can a company of a certain brand charge less? [. . . ]