Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] A07-004
· T h is m a nu a l d e s cr ib e s a b o u t th e m o d e l w h ich is ins ta lle d w ith th e p a s s iv e filte r to th e fa n d r iv ing circu it a s th e m e a s u r e a g a ins t th e E u ro p e H a r m o nic Re g u la tio n E N 6 1000-3 -12 . T h e ind o o r u nits a r e s a m e a s th o s e o f th e e x is ting m o d e ls a nd th e y a r e no t e s p e cia lly ch a ng e d . F o r th e s ta nd a rd s e r v icing m e th o d , r e fe r to th e F IL E N O . A03 -009 , A04-008 a nd A05 -004-1.
N e w m o d e ls co m p lia nce w ith E M C : IE C 6 1000-3 -12
< O u td o o r U nit > H eatP um p M odel
M M Y -M AP 05 01H T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 06 01H T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 08 01H T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 1001H T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 12 01H T 8 -E
C o o ling O nly M o d e l
M M Y -M AP 05 01T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 06 01T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 08 01T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 1001T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 12 01T 8 -E
H e a t Re co v e r y M o d e l
M M Y -M AP 08 02 F T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 1002 F T 8 -E , M M Y -M AP 12 02 F T 8 -E
PRINTED IN JAPAN, Dec. , 2007 ToMo
1. [. . . ] "I/F control P board" error, "Power supply P. C. boad for FAN" error, "Passive filter" error . C.
Is jumper setup of outdoor I/F P. C. (Jumpers 7, 8, 9 ON) YES Is communication connector between IPDU and I/F P. C. YES Is there no disconnection of communication line between IPDU and I/F P. C. NO Is the connector of the power supply P. C. board for FAN MCC-1439" The connector No. CN501, CN502, CN503, CN505, CN506, CN507?YES Is the passive filter relay connector connected?YES Is the electric fuse of a "Power supply P. C. F500 10A 250V~ YES Is the output voltage of a "Power supply P. C. CN502 or CN500 DC 330V (Judgment : DC180-370V) YES Is a passive filter normal?YES Is there voltage fluctuation between 4 and 5 pins of CN600 on I/F P. C. (Measurement by tester: DC0 to 5V, 5 pin GND) YES Is there voltage fluctuation between 3 and 5 pins of CN600 on I/F P. C. (Measurement by tester: DC0 to 5V, 5 pin GND) YES
Correct connection of connector.
Passive filter box
Correct connection of connector.
RED Resistor
Replace communication line.
Diode + rectifier
Correct connection of connector.
Correct connection of connector.
Electrolytic capacitor board
Replace the electric fuse.
Power supply P. C. board error.
Connector (YELLOW)
Relay connector (WHITE)
Check the short circuit of each part, and opening. And correct the fault parts.
I/F P. C. board error
Auxiliary code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
P. C. board to be replaced IPDU 1 IPDU 2 IPDU 1, 2 Fan IPDU IPDU 1, fan IPDU IPDU 2, fan IPDU IPDU 1, 2, fan IPDU, I/F
Both IPDU (No. 1, No. 2) and fan IPDU did not return the communication. board, 1) CN503: Between 1 and 5 pins 12V 2) CN503: Between 2 and 5 pins 7V 3) Between +5V and GND at the side of CN505: 5V YES Replace IPDU P. C. board for fan (MCC-1439)
Judgement +12V terminal 1 5 +7V terminal 2 5 Communication between fan IPDU
DC330V output (For Comp. IPDU) Communication betweenI/F and fan IPDU GND CN500 DC330V output for fan IPDU (Judgemant : DC 180370V)
AC230V input
5. Remote Controller Switch
Name Wired remote controller Wired remote controller
R. C. [. . . ] Board Assembly, Passive, MCC-1580 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2
Model Name MMY- MAP 1001T8-E 1 2 0801T8-E 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 0601T8-E 1 0501T8-E 1
MMY-MAP0501T8-E (5HP), MMY-MAP0601T8-E (6HP), MMY-MAP0801T8-E (8HP), MMY-MAP1001T8-E (10HP), MMY-MAP1201T8-E (12HP)
28, 33 (SV3E) 28, 33 (SV3C) 12
28, 33 (SV2) 28, 33 (SV3D) 28, 33 (SV3A) 55, 58, 63 28, 38 (SV3B) 61 49
52 50 56, 58, 63
57, 59, 63
28, 37 (SV4)
54 53
30 68 4 (8, 10, 12HP) or 5 (5, 6HP) 62, 72 13, 14 40, 41 30 32 (8, 10, 12HP) or 35 (5, 6HP)
Location No. 4 5 12 13 14 28 30 32 33 35 37 38 40 41 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 68 72
Part No. 43041781 43041782 43049683 43050407 43063317 43146660 43146676 43146727 43146711 43146699 43146712 43146730 43146709 43146708 43148202 43148192 43148200 43149377 43149378 43149317 43149318 43149319 43149320 43149321 43149323 43149324 43149325 43151283 43197184
Description 1201T8-E Compressor, DA421A3FB-23M Compressor, DA351A3FB-23M Band, DIA 8, EPDM Thermostat, Bimetal Holder, Thermostat Coil, Solenoid, AC220240V, 50Hz, VPV-MOAJ510B0 Joint, Check Valve, Gas, DIA 25 Valve, 2-Way, VPV-122DQ1 Valve, Ball, B5/8F, Rohs Valve, 2-Way, VPV-303DQ1 Valve, 2-Way, VPV-603DQ2 Valve, PMV, HAM-BD24TF-1 Coil, PMV, HAM-MD12TF-3 Tank, Liquid Separator Accumulator, 20L Sensor Assembly, Low Pressure, 150XA4-L1 Sensor Assembly, High Pressure, 150XA4-H3 Rubber, Supporter, Pipe, DIA 25. 4 Rubber, Supporter, Pipe, DIA 19. 0 Rubber, Supporter, Pipe, DIA 15. 9 Rubber, Supporter, Pipe, DIA 8. 0 Rubber, Supporter, Pipe, DIA 6. 4 Rubber, Supporter, Pipe, DIA 9. 5212. 7 Rubber, Cushion, EPDM Band, Fix, SUS304 Switch, Pressure, ACB-4UB32W Bolt, Compressor, M6, SWCH18A 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 6 4 2 6 2 2 2 7 3 1 4 2
Model Name MMY- MAP 1001T8-E 2 0801T8-E 2 2 2 2 2 7 3 1 4 2 2 2 7 3 1 4 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 6 4 2 6 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 6 4 2 6 3 1 3 1 2 6 4 2 6 3 1 3 1 2 6 4 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 3 2 1 2 2 7 3 0601T8-E 0501T8-E
27 27 Valve Checked 50 33 79 68 Separator Oil 37 79 79 Strainer Compressor Strainer 29 43 Valve Checked 77 ID 1. 2 × 1000 L 77 SV3C Strainer Strainer 76 ID 1. 0 × 500 L ID 1. 0 × 1000 L 33 37 4 (8, 10, 12HP) High or Pressure 68 5 (5, 6 HP) Switch Valve Checked 64 (8, 10, 12HP) or 66 (5, 6 HP)
44 (8, 10, 12HP) or 45 (5, 6 HP) SV2
Condenser Left Side
4 (8, 10, 12HP) High or Pressure Switch 5 (5, 6 HP)
Condenser TE Right Side SV5 39 30 Joint Check
SV42 Compressor 43 Strainer 29
High Pressure Sensor 54 Strainer 37 SV41 ID 0. 8 × 1000 L 75
Refrigeration Circuit Diagram
Pulse Motor Valve (5, 6 HP: 1 Valve) 40
65 (8, 10, 12HP) or 67 (5, 6 HP)
Joint Check Valve Checked 76
8 (8, 10, 12HP) or 7 (5, 6 HP) 81 (8, 10, 12HP) or 82 (5, 6 HP)
53 Strainer
MMY-MAP0501T8-E (5HP), MMY-MAP0601T8-E (6HP), MMY-MAP0801T8-E (8HP), MMY-MAP1001T8-E (10HP), MMY-MAP1201T8-E (12HP)
SV3D 33 38 1 Valve Checked SV3B SV3A Valve Checked 29 33 52
Liquid Line
Valve Checked ID 1. 2 × 1000 L
Low Pressure Sensor
Valve Packed
Joint Check
10 ID 2. 0 × 1000 L ID 2. 0 × 1000 L
Tank Liquid
Oil Balance Line
44 (8, 10, 12HP) or 45 (5, 6 HP) Accumulator 49
Plug Fusible
Valve Packed 32 (8, 10, 12HP) ) or 35 (5, 6 HP)
80 (8, 10, 12HP) or 82 (5, 6 HP)
Gus Line
Valve Service (5, 6 HP: Valve Ball)
46 (8, 10, 12HP) or 47 (5, 6 HP)
Location No. 1 4 5 7 8 10 27 29 30 32 33 35 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 64 65 66 67 68 75 76 77 79 80 81 82
Part No. [. . . ]