Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] 24
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KMS 000 CES) 30,
Life nce Cost Smoke and Tear
N INDIA X 1)233-09-05-E/H
CRUX OWNER'S MANUAL YAMAHA MOTOR INDIA SALES PVT. Any reprinting or unauthorised use without the written permission of YAMAHA MOTOR INDIA SALES PVT. LIMITED is expressly prohibited.
Congratulations on your purchase of the CRUX This motorcycle has been produced using the latest technology in our modern plant, to provide you a happy, enjoyable and safe riding for many thousand kilometers and years. It represents the high degree of craftsmanship and reliability that have made YMIS a leader in these fields. [. . . ] Clean and oil Air Filter Element periodically and replace it when required.
le;≤ ij , ;j fQYVj ds , syhesaV d¨ lkQ djsa v©j blesa rsy Mkyrs jgsa rFkk tc vko';drk iMs+ r¨ bls cny nsaA
2. Clean, inspect and adjust spark Plug Gap periodically.
le;≤ ij LikdZ Iyx dh tk¡p djsa] bls lkQ djsa v©j blds xSi ¼varj½ d¨ , MtLV djsaA
3. Replace it as per recommendations.
dsoy çLrkfor LikdZ Iyx dk gh ç;¨x djsaA çLrkfod ekin. M¨ ds vuq:i gh u;k Iyx yxk;saA
4. Use only recommended grade (SG) of genuine engine oil of superior quality.
dsoy mPp DokfyVh dk çLrkfor xzsM ¼SG½ dk vlyh batu rsy gh ç;¨x djsaA
5. Get your Vehicle serviced and tuned periodically as per recommended schedule.
çLrkfor f'kM~;wy ds eqrkfcd le;≤ ij vius okgu dh l£ol v©j V~;w¯ux djkrs jgsaA
6. Use unadulterated Petrol.
feykoV jfgr iSVª¨y dk ç;¨x djsaA
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Certain Safety norms have been mandated for the Two Wheelers to prevent accidents. been provided in the Vehicle for your safety. The following items have
lqj{kk flðkar CMVR fu;e¨a ds vuqlkj] n¨ ifg;k okgu¨ d¨ nq?kZVuk ls cpkus ds fy, fuf'pr lqj{kk flðkar cuk, x, gSA vkidh lqj{kk ds fy, e¨VjlkbZfdy esa fuEufyf[kr oLrq, ¡ çnku dh xbZ gSA
1. 2.
Grip for Pillion Rider
Rear View Mirror 5.
ihNs cSBs gq, O;fDr ds fy, fxziA
Head Light/Tail Light
ihNs ns[kus ds fy, 'kh'kkA
3. Efficient Front & Rear Brakes (To be applied simultaneously) 6.
gSM ykbVA ihNs dh ykbVA
vxyh o fiNyh czsds ¼t¨ lkFk&lkFk yxkbZ tkrh gS½A
It is recommended to use Saree Guard, when driving with female as a pillion rider.
fiNyh lokjh ds :i esa , d efgyk ds lkFk *Mªkb¯ox^ djrs gq, ;g çLrkfor fd;k x;k gS fd e¨VjlkbZdy esa *lkM+h xkMZ^ yxk;k tk, A
In the interest of your own safety you are requested to always keep the above items (and the Vehicle in general) in good working condition to avoid any Accident.
vkidh lqj{kk ds fgr esa vkils çkFkZuk gS fd mij¨Dr oLrqv¨a d¨ fdlh Hkh nq?kZVuk ls cpkus ds fy, vPNh dk;Z&fLFkfr esa j[ksaA
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This warranty coverage on the Motorcycle shall be valid only if the customer avails all Free and Paid Services from YAMAHA'S Authorised Dealer as per Recommended Service Schedule, explained on page 10-39 to 10-42 of this Owner's Manual and only YAMAHA genuine Spare parts must be used. The customer shall ensure that each service is availed within 60 days from the date of previous service or as per recommended service schedule which ever is earlier.
Yamaha Motor India Sales Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as "YAMAHA") thank you for having purchased this YAMAHA Motorcycle. In the unlikely event of your YAMAHA Motorcycle requiring warranty service please contact the nearest authorized dealer. We advise that you read instruction manual carefully before you get in touch with our Authorized Dealer to avoid any inconvenience.
;kekgk eksVj bafM;k lsYl izkbZosV fyfefVM ¼blds ckn ß;kekgk fy[ksaxsa½ ;kekgk dh eksVjlkbZfdy [kjhnus ij vkidks /kU;okn djrh gSA fdlh Hkh dfBu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa vxj vkidks ;kekgk dh okjaVh lsok;sa izkIr djuh gSa rks vius ut+nhd ds vf/kÑr Mhyj ls laidZ djsaA fdlh Hkh izdkj dh vlqfo/kk ls cpus ds fy, vf/kÑr Mhyj ls laidZ djus ls iwoZ vki bl funs"k iqfLrdk dks Hkyh Hkkafr i<+ ysaA Z
YAMAHA will replace or repair at its Authorised Dealership free of charge, those parts which may be found on examination to have manufacturing defect, within 2 years from the date of sale of Motorcycle or first 30, 000 kilometres of its operation, whichever occurs first, to the purchaser.
eksVjlkbZfdy dh foØ; frfFk ds nks lky vFkok 30000 fdyksehVj tks Hkh igys laiw. kZ gks tk;s ds varxZr ;fn fdlh ikVZ esa fuekZ. kk/khu [kjkch ¼eSU;qQSDpfjax [kjkch½ ik;h tkrk gS rks ;kekgk vius xzkgd dks ml ikVZ dks vius vf/kÑr Mhyjf'ki }kjk eq¶r cnysxh ;k Bhd djok dj nsxhA
YAMAHA warrants the products to be free from manufacturing defects for a period of two (2) years from the date of sale of the Motorcycle or first 30, 000 kilometres of its operation, whichever occurs first. If during this period of warranty the Motorcycle proves to be defective due to material or workmanship, YAMAHA through its Authorised Dealers will repair the Motorcycle without charging the labour or parts value as per the terms and conditions mentioned below:
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WARRANTY eksVjlkbZfdy dh foØ; frfFk ls nks lky ;k 30000 fdyks ehVj tks Hkh igys laiw. kZ gks ;kekgk vius mRikn ij okjaVh iznku djrh gSA vxj bl nkSjku eksVjlkbZfdy esa dksbZ fuekZ. kk/khu [kjkch ¼eSU;qQDpfjax [kjkch½ ik;h tkrh gS rks ;kekgk vius vf/kÑr Mhyj }kjk mls fcuk dksbZ yscj vkSj ikVZ~l dh dher fy, bls Bhd djok dj nsxh ftlds fy, fu;e o 'krs± uhps nh xbZ gSaA
The claim for replacement or repair of part (s) shall be considered only when:
;g okjaVh dojst dsoy rHkh ykxw gksxk tc eksVjlkbZfdy dks ;kegk ds vf/kÑr Mhyj }kjk lHkh eq¶r l£ol] cksul Ýh l£ol v©j isM l£ol çLrkfor l£ol varjky esa djokbZ xbZ gks tks fd bl iqfLrdk ds i "B 10-39 ls 10-41 esa fn;k x;k gS rFkk dsoy ;kegk ds vf/kÑr&ikVZl~ o ;kekY;wc dk ç;ksx fd;k x;k gksA
xzkgd ;g lqfuf'pr djsa fd çR;sd l£ol] fiNyh l£ol dk 60 fnu ds varjky ;k çLrkfod le;kuqlkj ;k tks Hkh igys gks djok;h xbZ gksA
ikVZ~l dh cnyus ;k Bhd djus ds fy, rHkh fopkj fd;k tk;sxk tc%&
1. The Customer ensures that immediately upon occurrence of the defect he approach the nearest YAMAHA Authorised Dealer with the affected Motorcycle. The expenses if any, to bring the Motorcycle to YAMAHA'S Authorised Dealer shall be borne by the customer.
miHkksDrk ;g lqfu'fpr djrk gS fd [kjkch dk irk yxus ds rqjUr ckn og eksVjlkbZfdy dks ut+fnd ds ;kekgk ds vf/kÑr Mhyj ds ikl ysdj vk;sxkA eksVjlkbZfdy dks ;kekgk ds vf/kÑr Mhyj ds ikl ys tkus dk fdlh Hkh rjg dk [kpZ miHkksDrk }kjk Lo;a ogu fd;k tk;sxkA
The Customer produces the Owner's Manual in original to enable YAMAHA'S Authorized Dealer to verify the Motorcycle details and servicing details. YAMAHA reserves the right to refuse warranty, if the Owners Manual is not presented or if the information contained in is incomplete or tampered.
okjaVh dh oS/krk
miHkksDrk dks eksVjlkbZfdy o mldh lfoZl bR;kfn dh tkudkjh ds fy, vksulZ eSU;qvy dh ewy izfr ;kekgk ds vf/kÑr Mhyj dks izLrqr djuh gksxhA vxj vksulZ eSU;qvy ¼funsZ"k iqfLrdk½ dh ewy izfr izLrqr ugh dh tkrh ;k mlesa nh xbZ tkudkjh v/kwjh gS ;k mlds lkFk dksbZ NsM+NkM+ dh xbZ gS rks ;kekgk okjaVh vLohdkj djus dk vf/kdkj lqjf{kr j[krh gSA
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izksijk;Vjh mRiknksa ij okjaVh%&
Warranty claims in respect of proprietary items like Tyres, Tubes, Battery and Spark Plug are warranted by their respective manufacturers and shall be claimed on directly by the customer as per their warranty terms. YAMAHA and its Authorised Dealers will give all assistance in taking up such claims with the manufacturer of said items.
LokfeRo vkbVe¨a ¼ççkWbZVjh vkbZVeks½ tSls Vk;j] V~;wc] cSVjh v©j LikdZ Iyx ls lacaf/kr okjaVh nkos ¼Dyse½ muds fuekZrkv¨a ds''krks± o fu;eksa ds vuqlkj miHkksDrk }kjk muls lh/ks gh fy;k tk;sxkA ;kekgk v©j blds vf/kÑr Mhyj] mij¨Dr oLrqv¨a ds fuekZrkv¨a ds lkFk] bl rjg ds nkoksa ¼Dysel½ ds fuiVkjs fy, miHkksDrk dh lgk;rk djsaxsaA
;g *okjaVh^ fuEu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ykxw ugh gksxh tSls %
1. Normal maintenance operations such as Engine tune-up, Decarbonising, Fuel System Cleaning, Wheels, Brakes and Clutch adjustments as well as any other normal adjustment.
lkekU; ejEer ds dk;Z] tSls fd batu dh V~;w¯ux] fMdkcksZukb¯tx] b±/ku iz. kkyh dh lQkbZ] ifg;¨a] czsd v©j Dyp dh , MtLVeSaV ds lkFk&lkFk dksbZ nwljh lk/kkj. k , MtLVeSaVA
2. Normal replacement of service wear and tear items, i. e. Break Shoes, Fasteners/Shims/Washers, Gaskets and Rubber or Plastic Components, ( other than tyres & tubes ) oil seals, Cables electrical wiring and Electrical Items like Bulbs, Filters, Spark Plugs, Drive Chain, Sprocket, Clutch plate, Race Bearing & Element Air Cleaner and wheel rim misalignment or bend.
eksVjlkbZfdy pykus ds n©jku f?kls rFkk [kjkc gq, ikVZ~l mnkgj. kr% czsd 'kwt+] QkLVulZ@f'kel@ok'klZ] xSlfdV rFkk jcM+ ;k IykfLVd ds daiksusaV ¼Vk;j o V;wc ds bZykok½] vkW;y lhYl] rkjsa v©j bySDVªhdy vkbVe&tSls fd cYc] fQYVj] LikdZ Iyx] Mªkbo&psu] LçkWfdV] Dyp IysV~l] jsl cs;¯jx vkSj , yhesaV , ;j Dyhuj rFkk Oghy fje dh felvykbZueSaV ;k Vs<+k gksukA
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3. Part(s) of the Motorcycle that have been subjected to misuse, accident, negligent treatment or which have been used in conjunction with parts and equipment not manufactured or recommended for use by YAMAHA such use prematurely affects the performance and reliability of the motorcycle.
eksVjlkbZfdy ds ikV~Zl ftudk nq:i;ksx fd;k x;k gks] nq?kZVuk ls [kjkc gq, gks ;k ykijokgh&NsM+ NkM+ dh xbZ gks vFkok ftUgs nwljs ikVZ~l rFkk midj. kks ds lkFk tksM+ dj ç;ksx fd;k x;k gks ftUgsa ;kekgk }kjk çLrkfor vFkok fu£er ugh fd;k x;k gks] bl rjg ls bu ikVZl dk vlkef;d nqji;ksx eksVjlkbZfdy dh dk;Zdq'kyrk v©j fo'oluh;rk dks çHkkfor djrk gSA
4. [. . . ] B-1/1, L. PARK MAHANAGAR EXTENTION LUCKNOW-226006, UTTAR PRADESH. : 0522-2320275, FAX : 0522-2377847 ao-lucknow@yamaha-motor-india. com YAMAHA MOTOR INDIA PVT. 502, SAROVAR COMPLEX JAIN DERASAR LANE, OFF. C. G. ROAD AHMEDABAD-380009, GUJARAT PH. : 0792-6406939, FAX : 079-6565941 ao-ahmedabad@yamaha-motor-india. com YAMAHA MOTOR INDIA PVT. [. . . ]